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Selahattin Yolgiden | Turkey

Η ποίηση είναι κώδικας ζωής, είναι οι σκέψεις που αναπνέουν και οι λέξεις που πυρπολούν τον βίο.

“Τι θα ήταν η ζωή χωρίς την ποίηση;
Τι θα ήταν η ποίηση χωρίς τις τρανές της γλώσσας οδοιπορίες;”
Το Culture Book συνομιλεί μέσω του Patras Word Poetry Festival με ποιητές και ποιήτριες που δημιουργούν ανά τον κόσμο. Η παρουσίαση, η καταγραφή, η μελέτη και αυτών των ποιητών και ποιητριών είναι από εκείνα που οφείλουμε στην τέχνη της ποιήσεως.
Η καταγραφή χωρίς μεγέθυνση των αληθινών διαστάσεων του μεγαλείου της ζωής, που είμαστε έτοιμοι να την καταστρέψουμε, μέσα και από τις κειμενικές αξίες των σύγχρονων ποιητών και ποιητριών, διαμορφώνει και την καθημερινότητα της σύγχρονης λογοτεχνίας.

bir kurt gibi indim ovaya ay ışığında. dört bacağımda dört pranga: acı, nefret, kuşku ve tutku. iki mektup, altı pul, dört damga!
uyuyordunuz. pencereleriniz buğuluydu.
ay benim babamdı. iyi biliyordum bunu. göğsümde ölü bir baştankara uzanıyordum yanınıza. yalanları sandınız içinizde tutarsınız. ha ha.
tanrıyla konuştum geçen gün daha. bir şeye inanıyor musun diye sorduğunuzda ulumam bundan.

siz gülümsüyordunuz. ha ha. birbirinizin içine girip çıkıyordunuz hâlâ. birbirinizin tenindeki tuzu yalıyordunuz. ben içimdeki öldürme arzusunu öldürüyordum geceleri.

bir gün bir nehir kıyısında sıyrıldım postumdan. böyle iyi. anladım herkes bir gün yorulur. ne ala! uludum durdum uludum durdum uludum bir kurt neyi ulursa.


down in moonlight i went to the steppe like a wolf.
four shackles on four legs: pain, hate, doubt and lust.
two letters. six stamps four postal marks!
you were sleeping, your windows all fogged up
the moon was my father. this i knew well.
with a dead titmouse on my chest i stretched out by your side. what you thought were lies you hoarded within you. ha ha.

i spoke with god just the other day. that is why i howl when you ask me if i believe in anything.

you were laughing. ha ha.
were entering were leaving one another. still.
you were licking the salt of the skin of one another.
at night i was killing off that desire to kill welled up inside me.

one day by the river i shed my hide. it’s better like this.
and understood that everyone’s grows tire done day.
ah how lovely! relentlessly i howled and howled
whatever it is a wolf howls.

translated by Neil Patrick Doherty


hiçbir şey bilmiyorum. gece. akşam olunca gölgesine tapan kumdan bir köpeğim. bilmekle bilememenin arasındaki fark kadar kara. kassandra’nın boynundaki saati didikliyor bir horoz.
suda boğulunca katı. asılınca mor. ilaç kutuları atılmış çöplükler sidik kokan hasta yatakları kanlı arabezleri ısırılmış emzikler kullanılmış prezervatifler sado kırbaçları kadeh şıngırtıları kendine gülenler başkasına gülenler insanlığın tamamı pis.

hades adımı okuyor. rüya. ilkokuldayım. sınıf başkanı seçilmişim beşinci kez. annemin elde yıkadığı önlüğümde kan pıhtıları.
egnatia’da bir elektrik direğiyim, titriyorum ne zaman konuşsam sus.

pazarda taze ceviz satıyorlar. krokanlı pastalar patatesli börek. içli köfte. ne yersen aynı şeye dönüyor içinde. anla.

bir sokak köpeğinin yüzüne baktığında ağlamayan hiç kimseyi sokma hayatına.

ı know nothing. at night. when evening falls i am a dog of sand worshipping its own shadow. as black as the difference between knowing and not knowing. a rooster picking at the watch round cassandra’s neck.

stiff when drowned. purple when hanged. dumps stuffed with discarded medicine boxes. urine stinking hospital beds in blood.
panty liners chewed pacifiers used condoms sado whips the clinking of glasses some laughing at themselves some at others all of humanity rotten.

hades is reading out my name. a dream. i’m in primary school. chosen as class captain fort he fifth time. on the uniform my mother
washed by hand clots of blood.

i am a electric pylon in egnatia, trembling whenever i talk be quiet.

at the market they sell fresh walnuts. croquant cakes, potato pies and meatballs. whatever you eat turns to the same thing inside. get it.
do not let anyone who looks at the face of a street dog
and does not weep into your life.

Translated by Neil Patrick Doherty

Curriculum Vitae Selahattin Yoldinen