Αsimina Xirogianni was born and raised in Athens. She studied Classics and Theatrology at the University of Athens, as well as
Act at the Theatre-Workshop School. She teaches greek Iiterature (ancient and modern) in secondary school; She has been honored in various poetry competitions. Ηer poems havebeen translated in English, French and Spanish. She hastranslated Carol Ann Daffy, Τed Hughes, Μark Strand, Τseslav Miloz.In 2009 she founded the blog varelaki (http://varelaki.blogspot.gr/p/blog-page_10.html). Her books are: Τhe Profesy of the wind (pοems) Dodoni Publications,Athens 2009, His body become shadow (novel) Anatolikos Publications, Athens 2010, Wounds (poems) Gavrielides Publications, Athens 2011, My era is the poetry (poems) Gavrielides Publications, Athens 2013, 23 days, Gavrielides Publications, Athens 2015, Aution (play) Vakhikon Editions, Athens 2015, Poems 2009-2017 (poetry) Vakhikon Editions, Athens 2021, An infinite look,Vakhikon Editions, Athens 2023
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