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Christina Lambousi

Christina Lambousi was born and raised in Molai Laconia, where she lives to this day practicing law. She is a graduate of the National Conservatory of Piraeus (Byzantine music, piano, wind instruments, harmony). In 2011 she founded the theatre group “Ἰᾶσθε θεάτρῳ” (which means “heal yourselves through theatre”) and has since directed several plays of the world repertoire. She also adapts children’s fairy tales for the theatre and has written the theatrical plays “Into the margin” and “In the footsteps of our heroes” (Saixpirikon Publications), “The jasmine of August”, “Head-on” and “I will find you” (under publication). During the Covid-19 pandemic she curated ten radio theatre productions that were broadcast on ERT. She organizes poetry evenings and curates the poetic insert “Poetry Moments” on ERT, where she presents new poets. She writes poems herself (her poetry collection “Disturb the circles” is under publication), which have been published from time to time in well-known print and electronic journals and websites.