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Gokcenur Celebioglu

Gökçenur Ç. is a poet, translator, editor, and poetry activist based in Istanbul.

As poet
With seven Turkish poetry books to his name in Turkish, he has received prestigious prizes such as the Arkadaş Z. Özger Best Debut Poetry Book Prize for his first publication, and the Sabahattin Kudret Aksal Literature Prize and Metin Altıok Poetry Prize for his latest work. His Selected Poetry books has been published in English, German, Italian, Serbian, Romanian, Bulgarian.

As editor
He is the co-editor of the Turkish domain in Poetry International portal and is on the editorial board of Macedonian-based international literary magazine Blesok. He is the editor of renowned literature Magazine Offline Istanbul. He also edited many of literature magazines, poetry, and poetry in translation books in Turkish.

As translator
He has translated and published selected poetry books of Wallace Stevens, Paul Auster, Ursula Le Guin, Ocean Vuong, Anne Carson and many other exceptional world poets into Turkish and some of the best Turkish poets into English.

As poetry activist
He has participated and/or organized poetry translation workshops and festivals in many countries. He is the curator and co-director of Word Express; co-director of international poetry festivals Offline Istanbul, Poesium Istanbul, Mosaic of Metaphors Gaziantep, and Turkish American Poetry Days; and have been board member of Nilüfer International Poetry Festival, Crete International Poetry Festival and Kritya International Poetry Movement.