Simona Racková (1976): a poet, editor and a journalist. Graduated with MA in Czech Language and Literature at the Faculty of Philosophy, Charles University in Prague. She is an Editor-in-chief of the Review section of Tvar literary magazine, edited an annual publication Hundred Best Czech Poems of 2012 and a two volumes of Anthology of Czech Poetry (2007 and 2009). Simona is an author of 5 poetry collection books: Přítelkyně (Girlfriends, 2007), Město, které není (A City that Doesn’t Exist, 2009), accompanied by linocuts of Pavel Piekar, Tance (Dances, 2015), Zatímco hlídací psi spí (While the Guard Dogs Are Asleep, 2017) and Noční převádění mláďat (Nocturnal Transfer of the Cubs, 2021). In 2022, Simona also published a book for children Papírová kočka (The Paper Cat). She is the 2016 winner of the international Dresden Lyrical Prize. She lives in Prague.
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