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Teresa Calderón

Teresa Calderón was born in La Serena (North of Chile) on march 30th of 1955. She had a teacher Spanish degree in the Pontificia Universidad Católica of Chile, where she also pursued a post graduate degree in Aesthetics. Poet, story teller and novelist, she also directs literary creation workshops. She teaches classes in various chilean universities. Part of her work has been translated to several languages and compiled in more than 30 published antologies. Her poetry works includes: Causas perdidas (1984); Género femenino; Imágenes rotas; Aplausos para la memoria; El poeta y otras maravillas; Elefante y Eslabones (2020) among others.


First Prize Poetry Contest of El Mercurio 1988 (Major chilean newspaper).
Prize Pablo Neruda 1992.
Award Ricardo Palma in Lima, Peru 2000.
Prize Medal of La Serena 2002, for her contribution to Education & Chilean Culture.
Prize National Book and Reading 2004, best novel, Amiga Mía.
Prize Altazor 2009 for Elefante
Prize Literary Critics Group for Eslabones (2020) best poetry book published in 2020.