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Giancarlo Cavallo

Giancarlo Cavallo was born in 1955 in Salerno. His most recent books are: “Quadreria dell’Accademia” (Multimedia 2008), “Spiralothèque/Spiraloteca” (L’Harmattan, Paris 2015 – bilingual Italian-French edition), “La biblioteca in riva al mare” (2017), “26. Tribute to the twenty-six dead women” (2020). Some of his poems have been translated into French, Spanish, English, Greek, Serbian-Croatian and Turkish; he has participated in many international poetry festivals in Italy and abroad. He founded with Sergio Iagulli and Raffaella Marzano the House of Poetry of Baronissi/Salerno. He edits the column “Verso Casa. Poeti lontani visti da vicino” on the multimedia magazine Potlatch, with which it invites to the reading of the great contemporary international poetry.