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Isabella Vincentini

Isabella Vincentini (Rieti Italy, 1954), is an Italian poet, essayist and literaty. She graduated in Humanities. The focus of her dissertation was Nietzsche’s philological writings and the classical world of Greek tragedy. Topics which are revisited both in her essays and in her poetry. Her essays focus on the debate on the theory of literature between hermeneutics, deconstruction and postmodernismn appears expecially in the book Varianti da un naufragio (Variants from a shipwreck) 1994. She has also published a book about Athens (Athens an ancient future) 2015 and four collections of poems: Il codice dell’alleanza (Alliance’s code) 2018, Geografia minima del Dodecaneso (Minimal geography of the Dodecanese) translated into Greek, 2015, Le ore e i giorni (The Hours and the Days) 2008, Diario di bordo (Logbook) 1998.