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Anca – Iulia Beidac | Romania

Η ποίηση είναι κώδικας ζωής, είναι οι σκέψεις που αναπνέουν και οι λέξεις που πυρπολούν τον βίο.

“Τι θα ήταν η ζωή χωρίς την ποίηση;
Τι θα ήταν η ποίηση χωρίς τις τρανές της γλώσσας οδοιπορίες;”
Το Culture Book συνομιλεί μέσω του Patras Word Poetry Festival με ποιητές και ποιήτριες που δημιουργούν ανά τον κόσμο. Η παρουσίαση, η καταγραφή, η μελέτη και αυτών των ποιητών και ποιητριών είναι από εκείνα που οφείλουμε στην τέχνη της ποιήσεως.
Η καταγραφή χωρίς μεγέθυνση των αληθινών διαστάσεων του μεγαλείου της ζωής, που είμαστε έτοιμοι να την καταστρέψουμε, μέσα και από τις κειμενικές αξίες των σύγχρονων ποιητών και ποιητριών, διαμορφώνει και την καθημερινότητα της σύγχρονης λογοτεχνίας.


o linie verde domoală
surâsul clarobscur al lucidităţii
amintiri dezinfectate
aproape plutesc

la sfârşitul zilei aş vrea să fi venit Dumnezeu să-mi spună
uite asta-i parola pentru nivelul următor
poţi trece



a mild green contour
the chiaroscuro smile of lucidity
disinfected memories
almost flying

at the end of the day I would have liked God to come and say
look, this is the password for the next level
you can access it


amo, ergo sum

scriu despre dragoste și moarte cu-aceeași peniță-nmuiată în sângele zilei trecute
pe străzi gonesc câteva cadavre frumoase scăldate-n ambrozie și iod
croșetez fulare lungi din pene atât de mult material din prea multe aripi pierdute

scriu despre dragoste și moarte
cu-aceeași peniță
aceeași culoare
același sânge decolorat

scriu despre dragoste
sfârșitul lumii începe mereu într-o marți

amo, ergo sum

I write of love and death with the same pen dipped in the blood of yesterday
beautiful corpses bathed in ambrosia and iodine haunt through the streets
I’m knitting long feather scarves so much material from too many lost wings

I write about love and death with
the same pen
same color
same faded blood

I write about love
the end of the world always starts on a Tuesday

Curriculum Vitae Anca-Iulia Beidac