Kostas Kremmydas was born in Kolonos. He holds a doctoral degree from the University of Patras in Τhe pedagogical role of the Magazine Art Review (1954-1967). From 2000-2018 he participated in the Organizing Committee of the Poetry Symposium. Since 2016 he has been teaching creative writing at the Postgraduate Department of Creative Writing of the Hellenic Open University. He participated from time to time in the collective efforts of many literary publications, while for the last 30 years (May 1993) he directs the magazine Mandragoras, as well as the publications of the same name which currently number 400 book titles. He has published one volume with political chronographs entitled corner of Xouthou & Menandrou, End of Ephoxi (2014) and the autobiographical novel Redwhite Madness, Red Tulips in Kolonos (2017).
He has published eight poetry collections. His poems have been translated into Bulgarian by Christos Hartomatsidis.
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