María Ángeles Pérez López (Valladolid, Spain, 1967), poet and professor of Hispanic American Literature at the University of Salamanca in Salamanca, Spain, has published numerous poetry collections and won several awards. Anthologies of her work have been published in Caracas, Mexico City, Quito, New York, Monterrey, Bogotá and Lima and in bilingual editions in Italy and Portugal. Recently, she’s been included in the monographic dossier “Voix d’Espagne (XXe-XXIe siècles). Résonances contemporaines de la poésie espagnole: Poèmes, poétiques et critiques ” edited by Laurence Breysse-Chanet and Laurie-Anne Laget, HispanismeS. Revue de la Societé des Hispanistes Françaises 13 (2020); in the anthology Poetas actuales en sus propias voces directed by Rosa García Rayego and Ana Zamorano, Canal de la UNED, 2020 and in the anthology La primera línea. Poesía iberoamericana -selection, prologue and notes by Harold Alva; epilogue by Omar Aramayo- (2021).
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