Vitomirka Trebovac (born 1980 in Novi Sad, Serbia) has published three poetry books: Plavo u boji (Blue in Colour, 2011), Sve drveće, sva deca i svi bicikli u meni (All the Trees, Kids, and Bicycles Within Me, 2017) and Dani punog meseca (Full moon days, 2020). She edited a book of poetry, about the neo-avant-garde, Novosadska neoavangarda- izbor iz poezije (2021). Together with Jelena Anđelovski she edited a book of poetry Ovo nije dom (This Is Not Home, 2017). Vitomirka works in a bookstore and at the publishing centre Bulevar Books in Novi Sad. ( and she is coordinator of literary festival Sofa. She has participated in several residency programs and international festivals and her poems have been translated into several languages and published in various poetry magazines ( Atlanta Review, Elewator, Poeteka…)
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