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ARBEN GJEKA was born in 1964 in Gorre, Lushnja. After completing the Military Academy of Tirana, he held various positions as a military officer.
He published his first poems while in high school and has won several awards at the national level. His publications include pieces in newspapers and magazines, like poems, literary journalism, short stories, descriptive pieces, and song lyrics.
In 1986, he was given the “Naim Frashëri” award for high quality creative writing.
From 1999-2000 he was a reporter in the daily newspaper “Demokracia” (Democracy).
His poems have been published in several countries. He has published the volumes “Puthje deti” (Sea Kisses), 2005; “Korale shpirti” (Soul Corals), 2011; “Të dashurat e mia” (My Loves), 2016; and “Frikë nga gjërat e bukura” (Fear from Beautiful Things), 2018.
Arben currently works for the Albanian customs system.




Hundred Years Later


Our bodies will be extinguished

Like meteors

One day

And our souls to heaven will fly

Every time

that spring comes.

When we

peacefully will leave the body,

(like fireworks of thousand stars)

the phosphorus that will shine

in those forgetfulness nights

will be our love!


the warm wind of April


will still recite the verses,

that my soul

will write for you …!

* * *




In the abyss of the night

a star-fire warms me up

one that I once loved.

Now my heart,

still singing

on a bird’s beak.

By love’s shore

Lies resting

the corpse of a dream.

My memory of you,

like a squirrel,

skipping on my soul’s twigs.

It’s late.

The lines on paper,

like the unfinished

Penelope’s web…

That’s how it’s meant to be:

The Gods live up above

and the Angels down here!