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Isabella Vincentini | Italy

Η ποίηση είναι κώδικας ζωής, είναι οι σκέψεις που αναπνέουν και οι λέξεις που πυρπολούν τον βίο.

“Τι θα ήταν η ζωή χωρίς την ποίηση;
Τι θα ήταν η ποίηση χωρίς τις τρανές της γλώσσας οδοιπορίες;”
Το Culture Book συνομιλεί μέσω του Patras Word Poetry Festival με ποιητές και ποιήτριες που δημιουργούν ανά τον κόσμο. Η παρουσίαση, η καταγραφή, η μελέτη και αυτών των ποιητών και ποιητριών είναι από εκείνα που οφείλουμε στην τέχνη της ποιήσεως.
Η καταγραφή χωρίς μεγέθυνση των αληθινών διαστάσεων του μεγαλείου της ζωής, που είμαστε έτοιμοι να την καταστρέψουμε, μέσα και από τις κειμενικές αξίες των σύγχρονων ποιητών και ποιητριών, διαμορφώνει και την καθημερινότητα της σύγχρονης λογοτεχνίας.


I would have desired that you’ll take my words in order to conjugate them and endowe them with meanung, but you let them fall,
architectures suspended in the void,
shadows that spread out out on forbidden fruits.

I thought up explanations, reasonable assumptions,
questions without answer, the meaning of things
I fearred like mirages in the soul’s desert
that’s the reason why I left the temple and chose

That’s the reason for which I went to the East of Orontes
not looking for miraculous healing or prophecies,
but for advices from Simeon and from the stylites
on the knowledge of the secrets of the heart
and you—

that you, who among all, know my secrets
do you understand my heart?



Avrei voluto che tu prendessi le mie parole
per coniugarle e dargli un senso,
ma tu le lasciavi cadere,
architetture sospese nel vuoto
ombre, che si allungano su frutti proibiti.

Escogitai spiegazioni, feci ipotesi,
domande senza risposta, il senso delle cose.
Avevo paura dei miraggi nel deserto dell’anima
per questo uscii dal tuo tempio e scelsi

Per questo, andai a Est dell’Oronte
non per guarigioni miracolose o profezie,
ma per chiedere consiglio a Simeone e agli stiliti
sulla conoscenza dei segreti del cuore,
e tu, …,
che più di ogni altro sei a conoscenza di tutti i miei segreti,

lo capisci il cuore?



There is a forbidden apple at the beginning of every intimate concealment of love
mistrustful caution. Life hasn’t got shortcuts, but secret crossings moment
after moment

Intensity enters the heart’s deceptions, breaks thoughts, void’s projections,
unknown love

Life doesn’t occur twice
doesn’t occur twice in the same way,



C’è una mela proibita all’inizio di ogni storia, intima dissimulazione d’amore, diffidente prudenza. Non ha scorciatoie la vita, ma passaggi segreti distanti
di istanti.
Entra nelle imposture del cuore l’intensità, lacera il pensiero, proiezione di nulla, sconosciuto amore,

non avviene due volte la vita,
non avviene due volte, uguale,
la gioia.

Curriculum Vitae Isabella Vincentini