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Marianne Catzaras

Photographer and poet Marianne Catzaras was born in Tunisia to Greek parents.After completing her studies at the Philology department at the Sorbonne, she took up photography.Her artistic journey is marked by the portraits of minorities, the “blacks” of Jerba accompanied by the lines of the poet Edouard Glissant (Jerba, Other face, Editions institut Francais Tunis), and the “gypsies” of Greece.Her artistic path is marked by “writing” and “gaze”, with which she transforms reality between languages and countries in search of lost traces.He exhibits in Tunisia (Bardo Museum, 2019; Le Violon Bleu Gallery, 2018 and 2021), France (Institut des Cultures d Islam, 2018), Italy, Germany, the United States, Egypt and Greece.She is the Director of the biennale of Mediterranean art in Tunis (2010), collaborates with exhibition curators in Italy (Photolux Lucca, 2017), in Saudi Arabia (2019), in Tunisia and publishes Cahiers d’artiste and poetic histories.In 2010 he received the Grand Prix of the City of Tunis and in 2011 he was named Knight of Arts and Letters of Tunis and the French Republic.Her last exhibition entitled “Carthage or the memory of stones” took place in the Colosseum in Rome and was distinguished as one of the 12 largest exhibitions in Italy.In addition to being a photographer, she also travels the world as a poet presenting her poems, which have been published by Acts sud France, Simpact Tunisia, Electa Italy and Pigi Publications and have been translated into Greek, Italian and Arabic.Her works are read by acclaimed actresses Jalila Baccar and Anne Alvaro.He has been a member of the international coordination of the Séte Festival since its creation until now.The “Mediterranean” and “Exile” remain the main themes of her work.He lives in Tunis.