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Nina Medved

Nina Medved (1989) is a poet, photographer, translator. She won the title of the most promising young author at the Slovene national literary festival for young authors Urška (2019). Her debut poetry book Drseči svet (Sliding World, JSKD, 2020) was nominated as the best debut book of the Slovene Book Fair in 2021. Her poems were also translated into English, German, French, Greek, Czech language. It was Comparative literature and French language studies that gave her ground to grow. Thus, she co-creates literary activities in Slovenia and France: Book Days in Maribor, festival of translation Prevodni Pranger, international seminar for literary translation and Youth Poetry Festival in Tinqueux, France. She translates from French and encourages young literary voices as a mentor. She founded Dve luni (Two Moons), Centre for the Poetisation of the World. In 2021 she was awarded the international Pont prize for promising literary authors for the “existential depth and Renaissance width” of her work.

Photo Credit: Sami Rahim