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Triantafyllos H. Kotopoulos

Triantafyllos H. Kotopoulos is a Professor of Creative Writing & Modern Greek Literature (University of Western Macedonia – Greece) and the Scientific Director of two Postgraduate Programmes in Creative Writing. He has published nine (9) scientific books. More than one hundred and fifty (150) of his articles have been published in collective volumes, Greek and foreign scientific journals and international conference proceedings. He has coordinated five (5) international “Creative Writing” conferences. He is the supervisor of the writing of the New Curricula of the subject of Literature for the high school (2020) and the relevant training of PE02 teachers. He is also an official partner of the International Network Memità: “Memory, Identity, Integration to Identify Analysis Models in Media Communication”, composed by members of other 16 Universities around the World and the instigator and presenter of the television programmes on the art of writing (“Digamma” – ERT3 18 episodes and “Clear Wrtiting” – ERT2-12 episodes). He is the scientific director of the “World Poetry Festival of Patras” and of the website “Culture Book”, as well as chairman of the committee for the “Jean Moréas” poetry prize.
His work includes six (6) poetry collections: Portolanos (Paratiritis 1999), Edwards and Alfreds (Mandragoras 2012), Semi Colons and the like (Mandragoras 2013), Buoys (Digamma 2015), The Forty, Olden, Churches (Mandragoras 20202), 4×4 (Pikramenos 2021) His work includes six (6) poetry collections: Portolanos (Paratiritis 1999), Edwards and Alfreds (Mandragoras 2012), Semi Colons and the like (Mandragoras 2013), Buoys (Digamma 2015), The Forty, Olden, Churches (Mandragoras 20202), 4×4 (Pikramenos 2021) and a collection of short stories: A novel through 11 Short and major stories (Grafomichani 2015). He wrote the lyrics, and his poems have been versivied in Clear Writing and The unseen CD (Metronomos 2016 and 2020).