Βιότοπος Πολιτισμού
INDOOR VERBS We were startled by how strong old things areevery fault became a jewelWe put on shabby clothes and…
ITHACA …You must have surely understoodby then what Ithacas mean.C. Cavafy I am Odysseus, too,but unknown.No one ever heard of…
The sun going down in the sea Help me go to sleep, mum,you said.The sun’s going down in the seabut…
OUT OF BREATH AT MY BIRTHPLACE they used to seal my voice shut with thread and needleplace I’m told is…
FAMILY PORTRAIT Inspired by a blackand white photographfrom the Museum ofPhotography in Paris The Fatheris missing He probably neverliked…
Butterfly/Rainbow Rainbow shimmers a memory of Butterfly having been here On Butterfly’s shoreline Rainbow slumbers What Rainbow…
“Correspondence” At night the train passes byand some stations are -you know- emptyno one is getting onand you drag them…
I Demand to Linger in Every Gesture blissful slowness in both legsif I have all the sun on my napeand…